Planet of Evil is one of those Doctor Who stories that I
really like and admire, yet I don’t necessarily care for.
Planet of Evil is refreshing and ambitious. It is pure, hard-core,
old-fashioned sci-fi. There is no alien invasion of or threat to Earth. In fact
other than Sarah there are no Earthlings to be found. The Doctor and Sarah are
so far from Earth, so far from any known galaxy, so far indeed that they are at
the very edges of the universe. Neither are there any rubber-suited monsters or
age-old foes. Not a Dalek or Cyberman to be seen. Indeed, there is no real,
true enemy in Planet of Evil. Despite the Evil of the title, there is no real
or true evil.
One could argue that Professor Sorenson’s greed for fame and
fortune is bad, but I would not say evil. Neither is the Controller Salamar
evil; he is foolish and mad but not evil. And the antimatter creatures are
surely not evil.
No, the enemy the Doctor is fighting is the ignorant
tampering into things unknown and the inevitable disastrous outcomes of such
heedless action.
It has been a long time, if ever, since Doctor Who has
tackled such a story.
“It’s tempting to let them go ahead and destroy themselves,”
the Doctor says of the foolhardy Morestrans, “The trouble is they wouldn’t be
the only ones.”
“It’s tempting to let them go ahead and destroy themselves.”
These foolhardy Morestrans are rushing straight into danger. What business is
that of the Doctor? What business is that of a non-interfering Time Lord?
“The trouble is they wouldn’t be the only ones.” Ah, that is
his business.
I think back to the first Doctor landing on Skaro and
leaving the Thals and the Daleks to fight among themselves. What business of it
was his? Only when his fluid link was endangered did he get involved. Jump
ahead several serials and a miniaturized Doctor and companions risk their own
lives to expose and stop a scheme that will cause widespread destruction on
The evolution of the Doctor’s thinking started in that long
ago junkyard with two stowaway/kidnapped school teachers. The further the Doctor
has traveled, both in time and distance, from his Time Lord heritage, the
further he strays from their policy of non-interference.( Although at times
this straying is at the command of the Time Lords ala Genesis of the Daleks.)
However interference has its limits. The Doctor does not go looking for
trouble, not yet. The Doctor does not relish danger, not yet.
“It’s tempting to let them go ahead and destroy themselves.”
“The trouble is they wouldn’t be the only ones.”
That was a bit of a digression, Gary, that I hadn’t
intended; it was tempting to let it go . . .
But I didn’t and now I have to get back on track.
Planet of Evil contains another element that has not been a
part of Doctor Who for quite a while, and that is an extended TARDIS scene. And
what a scene it is. The Doctor and Sarah have clicked. Playful, bickering,
teasing; the Doctor and Sarah have evolved into one of the most classic of
Doctor Who Doctor/companion pairings.
As Sarah reminds the Doctor of his promise to get her to
London five minutes before leaving Loch Ness, we get this gem of an exchange:
Doctor: “Listen, we’re on the edge of a time-space vortex
and you’re talking in minutes.”
Sarah: “Oh, I see. What’s gone wrong this time?”
Doctor: “Nothing, nothing at all. What makes you think
something’s gone wrong?”
Sarah: “Because you always get rude when you’re trying to
cover up a mistake.”
Doctor: “Nothing of consequence. Slight overshoot, easily
The slight overshoot turns out to be thirty thousand years.
Outside of the TARDIS there are more little moments between
the two, like the simple touch of Sarah hanging on to the end of the Doctor’s
scarf as he leads the way through the jungle. Or when a mysterious mechanical
device goes whizzing by their heads: “What was that? An elfin spirit of the
forest?” And then the Doctor quoting Shakespeare and mentioning off-handedly
that he met him once. Or this tiny exchange:
Sarah: “Do you ever get tired of being pushed around?”
Doctor: “Frequently.”
Small companionable moments scattered about adding that dash
of camaraderie that makes us care and keeps us invested in these characters and
the story.
And the story is quite good, as I said before, an ambitious
sci-fi tale on the edge of the universe. The Morestrans have mined a substance
to provide endless energy for their home planet. Trouble is, this mineral is of
the antimatter world and if taken out of its world, well the Doctor’s “Was
that bang big enough for you Brigadier?” from Terror of the Zygons would take
on a whole new meaning.
In order to keep this from happening, the planet’s
antimatter creatures have been slowly killing off the members of the Morestran
expedition. Invisible at first, we are later treated to one of the better
Doctor Who special effects as the glowing red outlines of the creatures become
visible. Later, as the Morestrans continue to load the mineral onto their ship
and attempt to take off, the antimatter aboard pulls them back towards the
planet. At this point we get an added bonus of a Jekyll and Hyde tale, a
Professor Sorenson and Mr. Antiman tale if you will.
I do like this story, especially as the mystery unfolds in
the superbly conceived jungle surface of the planet. The sinister atmosphere,
the grizzly deaths, the shimmering antimatter all provide an excellent backdrop
as the Doctor detects then warns then endangers himself to communicate with the
The problem I have with Planet of Evil is when the action
shifts to the Morestran ship. The story itself is still quite fine, but I find
the set to be rather cheap, in stark contrast to the lush jungle we left
behind, and the acting of the crew leaves something to be desired. For me it
makes the second half of the story rather pedestrian.
Sorenson and Vishinsky handle their roles well enough, but the
Controller Salamar becomes inexplicably unhinged and hysterical while the rest
of the crew has little to do other than get killed. All the while they are
running around in space jumpsuits and booties that undermine their authority.
Salamar in particular is a disappointment. His first
appearance indicates he is going to be your typical Doctor Who hard-headed
leader who won’t listen to reason. Then he surprises a bit as he rightfully
stands firm against Sorenson, reminding him that this is a military expedition
and the death of his crew members must be thoroughly investigated. But then he
reverts to form, refusing to listen to the Doctor or the more level-headed
Vishinsky, and then he quickly devolves into a raving maniac.
The Doctor, of course, never disappoints, and there are
several shining moments for him in Planet of Evil. There are two in particular
that I want to mention.
The first is when the Doctor dives into the antimatter pool
to communicate with the creature. This act of bravery alone is not noteworthy;
it is the meaning and intent of the act. Antimatter is not an evil to be
exterminated. It is a being to reason with, to understand. “It doesn’t live
anywhere . . . it just is,” he says of it. It just is, and the Doctor understands
that. He dives into the pool and negotiates. He gives his word as a Time Lord,
he later explains, that no antimatter will leave the planet. His word. As a
Time Lord. The Doctor is a Time Lord; he is on the run from all that means, but
he is still a Time Lord, and that means everything to him. Tom Baker’s Doctor
wears the mantle of the Time Lord and is most worthy of that mantle. It is the
very fiber of his being, despite his being on the run from it. His word as a
Time Lord is a solemn thing and he treats it as such. He does not flaunt or
brag. He states it calmly and matter-of-factly, he gave his word as a Time
The Doctor’s second moment that truly shines is his dealing
with Professor Sorenson. While Sorenson is in one of his more sane, Jekyll periods
the Doctor tells him, “You and I are scientists, Professor. We buy our
privilege to experiment at the cost of total responsibility.” The Professor has
snuck some antimatter into his cabin after it had all been ordered ejected from
the ship; the Professor has become contaminated himself with the antimatter
turning him into Antiman. The Professor has brought probable disaster to the
ship and most probably the universe. Now he must pay the cost. He must be
responsible. In essence, the Doctor is inciting the Professor to suicide.
This might sound morally repugnant to our human ears. But
the Doctor is not human. The Doctor is a Time Lord. As solemn as his word as a
Time Lord is this statement, “We buy our privilege to experiment at the cost of
total responsibility.”
Sorenson almost succeeds in paying this cost, but his
Antiman side takes over at the last minute forcing the Doctor to act. I do find
the sight of the Doctor brandishing a firearm a bit unsettling; this is so
contrary to all that is the Doctor. However, despite his abhorrence of violence
and gunplay, the Doctor has had his history with guns and even has some on
board the TARDIS (as Steven discovers in The Gunfighters) and has been known to
state, “They are handy little things” (The Sensorites). And at least this time
when the Doctor turns the blaster on Sorenson it is only set to stun and is not
the glaring anomaly of The Day of the Daleks in which he unthinkingly kills an
Antiman Sorenson and the antimatter are offered up to the
antimatter pool, and because the Doctor has kept his word Sorenson is released,
cleansed of all contamination and thankfully cleansed of the memory of his
endless but deadly energy discovery. Instead, the Doctor sets him on to a more
benign method—the kinetic force of planetary movement.
An ambitious story with some lush jungle sets, fantastic
special effects creatures, and great Doctor/companion moments, but a rather
prosaic second half that drags it back, rather like the Morestran ship being
dragged back to the planet. A story that I admire and like but don’t
necessarily care for.
But now I have jettisoned Planet of Evil and am ready to
soar forth out into the Doctor Who universe. Here’s hoping that this finds you,
Gary, somewhere out there in that same universe . . .
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